Job Profile for Research/Study Engineer at IRCP Chimie ParisTech F/H

Référence : 2024-1785637

  • Fonction publique : Fonction publique de l'État
  • Employeur : Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (ENSC Paris)
    Chimie ParisTech-PSL
  • Localisation : ENSCP
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Date limite de candidature : 20/01/2025

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  • Nature de l’emploi Emploi ouvert uniquement aux contractuels
  • Nature du contrat

    CDD d'1 an

  • Expérience souhaitée Non renseigné
  • Rémunération (fourchette indicative pour les contractuels) Non renseigné
  • Catégorie Catégorie A (cadre)
  • Management Non renseigné
  • Télétravail possible Non renseigné

Vos missions en quelques mots


  • Operate the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for advanced material studies.
  • Investigate the microstructure, defects and chemical compositions of metals, alloys, and medical implants using ex-situ and in-situ methods.
  • Assist in routine maintenance and troubleshooting of SEM equipments.


  • Train to independently manage the SEM platform, prioritizing support for LVD Biotech R&D projects.
  • The role is initially for a 2-year period with annual contracts, renewable based on performance evaluations at the end of the first year.

Profil recherché


  • Master’s degree in Material Science and Engineering or relevance.
    Basic knowledge of electron microscopy and hands-on experience with SEM operations.
  • Proficient in communication and teamwork, capable of performing simple electronic repairs and mechanical tasks such as welding, component replacement, and custom sample holder design.
  • Fluent in English, both spoken and written.


  • Minimum of a Master's degree in Material Science and Engineering, Biomaterials and Implants.


Localisation : 11 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75005 Paris

Qui sommes-nous ?

Chimie ParisTech-PSL offers a unique and comprehensive programme of excellence, from bachelor's to doctorate level, while conducting cutting-edge research covering the entire spectrum of chemistry. Ranked with PSL University as the top French university in the THE (Times Higher Education) ranking and second in the Shanghai ranking for 2022, the school trains general chemical engineers with a keen sense of innovation. Chimie ParisTech-PSL is developing numerous industrial and academic partnerships at both national and international level.

À propos de l'offre

  • Vacant à partir du 19/12/2024
  • Experte / Expert en chimie

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