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Offre de thèse : Développement de biomarqueurs fluorescents chez Listeria monocytogenes pour mieux p H/F

Référence : 2024-1598183

  • Fonction publique : Fonction publique de l'État
  • Employeur : INRAE Centre Pays de la Loire
  • Localisation : NANTES
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  • Nature de l’emploi Emploi ouvert uniquement aux contractuels
  • Nature du contrat

    CDD de 3 ans

  • Expérience souhaitée Non renseigné
  • Rémunération (fourchette indicative pour les contractuels) 2100€/mois € brut/an
  • Catégorie Catégorie A (cadre)
  • Management Non renseigné
  • Télétravail possible Non renseigné

Vos missions en quelques mots

Description of the subject
This work is part of the FluoPath project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) for the period April 2024-March 2028. This project brings together 7 partners, including 4 academic research laboratories (UMR PAM, UMR SECALIM, UMR SQPOV and LUBEM), 2 agroindustrial technical institutes (AERIAL and ADRIA) and the dairy interprofession (CNIEL).

The main objective of the FluoPath project is to identify new biomarkers (promoters that induce the expression of genes of interest) coupled to a fluorescent biosensor to gain new insights into the physiological state of two pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes and Bacillus cereus) in dairy environments (milk, diluted model cheese and, if possible, solid model cheese) in relation to the impact of technological perturbations. Ultimately, this knowledge, combined with that available in the scientific literature, will be used to improve predictive models for microbiological risk in dairy products.

Profil recherché

Requirements: Motivated candidates will have a Master 2 Research degree or equivalent in Food Microbiology and must be enrolled in the Doctoral School no. 554 "Environnements-Santé" (Burgundy-Franche-Comté).

Knowledge and skills required: rapid adaptability and autonomy, ability to work in a group, ability to listen and share tasks, standard analyses in microbiology, molecular biology, environmental genomics, food microbiology, bioinformatics concepts, fluency in English, writing and organizational skills. The candidate will be required to work in a Biosafety Level 2 laboratory

Niveau d'études minimum requis

  • Niveau Niveau 7 Master/diplômes équivalents

Éléments de candidature

Documents à transmettre

Pour postuler à cette offre, l'envoi du CV et d'une lettre de motivation est obligatoire

Personnes à contacter

  • stephane.guyot@agrosupdijon.fr
  • Sandrine.Guillou@inrae.fr

Qui sommes-nous ?

L’Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE) est un établissement public de recherche rassemblant une communauté de travail de 12 000 personnes, avec 272 unités de recherche, de service et expérimentales, implantées dans 18 centres sur toute la France. INRAE se positionne parmi les tout premiers leaders mondiaux en sciences agricoles et alimentaires, en sciences du végétal et de l’animal. Ses recherches visent à construire des solutions pour des agricultures multi-performantes, une alimentation de qualité et une gestion durable des ressources et des écosystèmes.

À propos de l'offre

  • Application documents
    All applications must include
    - A complete and detailed curriculum vitae, with particular reference to the level of experience and qualifications required
    - Letter of motivation
    - References or contact details of referees
    - Master's degree certificate or results of the current Master's degree (if the Master's degree will be completed for the 2023-2024 academic year).

  • Suite : 

    Axis 3: Development of a fluorescent mutant bank by transcriptional (chromosomal) fusion
    The genes of interest identified in Axis 2 will be considered as candidates for the construction of a mutant bank from the two previously selected strains (Axis 1). These mutants, which will be fluorescent due to the insertion of the gene encoding a fluorescent protein (GFP, RFP, CFP or
    YFP), will be used to generate new knowledge on the impact of stress conditions on the resistance and virulence of L. monocytogenes.

    Axis 4: Quantification of mutant fluorescence under different stress conditions
    In this area, we will evaluate the fluorescence emitted by mutants placed under previously established stress conditions. In particular, the experimental conditions will be optimized to avoid artifacts such as autofluorescence of the milk matrix.

  • Vacant à partir du 01/09/2024
  • Chercheuse / Chercheur

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