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PHD - Beyond Borders: Unraveling Virus-Microbiota Interactions and decoding the glycomic symphony H/F

Référence : 2024-1579302

  • Fonction publique : Fonction publique de l'État
  • Employeur : Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE)
    UMR 1225 IHAP ENVT
  • Localisation : ENVT
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  • Nature de l’emploi Emploi ouvert uniquement aux contractuels
  • Nature du contrat

    CDD de 3 ans

  • Expérience souhaitée Débutant
  • Rémunération (fourchette indicative pour les contractuels) 2100 €/mois € brut/an
  • Catégorie Catégorie A (cadre)
  • Management Non renseigné
  • Télétravail possible Non renseigné

Vos missions en quelques mots

 Thesis Objectives: This thesis aims to unravel the intricate interactions among mucin glycans, the respiratory microbiome, infectious agents (including coronavirus (BCoV), influenza D virus (IDB), and Mycoplasma bovis), and animal health and welfare. Specifically, the project will focus on:

Virus-Glycan Interactions:

·    Investigating specific virus-glycan interactions in vitro and ex vivo during co-infection by BCoV and IDB.

Profil recherché

The candidate will engage different collaborations throughout the research journey:

  •  Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The candidate will be at the intersection of multiple scientific disciplines, requiring effective communication and collaboration with experts in virology, microbiology, glycomics, and animal health.
  •  Academic and Research Community: They will be part of a vibrant academic community at the ENVT and INRAE, and will interact with various research groups, including those at the Glycoconjugate Analysis Platform in Lille and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI).

Niveau d'études minimum requis

  • Niveau Niveau 7 Master/diplômes équivalents


Localisation : 23 chemin des capelle 31076

Éléments de candidature

Personnes à contacter

  • nuria.mach@inrae.fr
  • gilles.meyer@envt.fr

Qui sommes-nous ?


Premier organisme de recherche spécialisé au monde en agriculture, alimentation et environnement, INRAE est né le 1er janvier 2020 de de la fusion entre l’INRA et IRSTEA. Nous sommes une communauté de travail de 12 000 personnes, avec plus de 200 unités de recherche et une quarantaine d’unités expérimentales implantées dans 18 centres sur toute la France.

En savoir plus sur l'employeur

À propos de l'offre

  • The research program will be structured around 3 main axes:

    • Describe specific virus-glycan interactions in vitro and ex vivo and determine if the main mucin glycans during co-infection by IDV and BCoV are essential for other viruses, including those with zoonotic potential. The student will compare the list of sialic acids and glycoconjugates of interest identified by the glycomic approach with an in vitro binding test. Afterwards, they will perform immunohistochemistry (IHC) of glycans on fixed tissues (lung explants).
    • Develop and implement culturomics on nasal samples to enrich, identify, and isolate bacteria with potential beneficial action against pathogens. The culturomic approach will also form the basis for obtaining enzymes that will then be tested in vitro against the viruses of interest, thanks to protocols shared between IHAP and NVI (Norway).
    • Elucidate the role of microbial enzymes (e.g., proteases and sialidases) in modulating viral infectivity. This joint project will focus on studying how selected microbial proteases, sialidases, and esterases can cleave viral fusion proteins and influence infection.
  • Vacant à partir du 01/10/2024
  • Chercheuse / Chercheur

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