PhD: Integrated surveillance strategies of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses H/F H/F

Référence : 2024-1551378

  • Fonction publique : Fonction publique de l'État
  • Employeur : Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE)
    The French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE)
  • Localisation : INRAE (ENVT campus, Toulouse, France)
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Date limite de candidature : 20/05/2024

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  • Nature de l’emploi Emploi ouvert uniquement aux contractuels
  • Nature du contrat

    CDD de 3 ans

  • Expérience souhaitée Non renseigné
  • Rémunération (fourchette indicative pour les contractuels) Non renseigné
  • Catégorie Catégorie A (cadre)
  • Management Non renseigné
  • Télétravail possible Non renseigné

Vos missions en quelques mots

PhD project: Integrated surveillance strategies of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in complex ecosystems

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses are rapidly crossing geographical boundaries, threatening poultry, wildlife and potentially evolving into global pandemics1,2. In South-East Asia, particularly in Cambodia, the ecosystem of live bird markets (LBMs) plays a crucial role in the emergence and spread of novel avian influenza viruses (AIV), increasing the risk of cross-species transmission and amplification within both domestic poultry and wild bird populations. Surveillance studies in Cambodian LBMs have revealed alarming high AIV detection rates in poultry3, often coupled with co-infections with different strains4 and sporadic human cases5. Effective surveillance strategies are imperative to promptly detect and mitigate the spread of these viruses in poultry and prevent human infections. This PhD project aims to generate crucial knowledge to design novel and powerful surveillance strategies to complement existing surveillance systems in the country, contributing to protecting animal and human health. Employing a multidisciplinary approach encompassing field work (interviews of traders about trading and biosecurity practices, bird and environment sampling), lab work (samples testing) and epidemiological analyses (spatial risk modelling, risk factor analysis, latent class modelling), this project aims to address the following specific objectives:

Profil recherché

Academic qualifications and experience
Candidates should hold a postgraduate Master’s degree in epidemiology, ecology, or a related field. Prior experience with epidemiological data and/or statistical modelling would be advantageous. An enthusiasm for field and lab work related to infectious diseases is desirable.
Mobility is required, as the project involves spending time in France and Cambodia. Proficiency
in English writing and willingness to present research work at international conferences are
essential. Proficiency in French is not necessarily required.

Niveau d'études minimum requis

  • Niveau Niveau 7 Master/diplômes équivalents


Localisation : 23 chemin des capelle 31076

Éléments de candidature

Personne à contacter


Qui sommes-nous ?


Premier organisme de recherche spécialisé au monde en agriculture, alimentation et environnement, INRAE est né le 1er janvier 2020 de de la fusion entre l’INRA et IRSTEA. Nous sommes une communauté de travail de 12 000 personnes, avec plus de 200 unités de recherche et une quarantaine d’unités expérimentales implantées dans 18 centres sur toute la France.

En savoir plus sur l'employeur

À propos de l'offre

  • The PhD candidate will be affiliated with the epidesa group, a dynamic international team of
    researchers involved in epidemiology and decision-making in animal health, with the Host-
    Pathogens Interactions (IHAP) mixed research unit INRAE-ENVT. In the first year of the PhD,
    the student will spend 12 months at the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) in Cambodia,
    engaging in extensive fieldwork. For the remainder of the PhD, the candidate will be mainly
    based at the INRAE-ENVT campus (Toulouse, France) to focus on data analysis, with
    occasional short missions to Cambodia for research dissemination purposes.

  • Vacant à partir du 02/09/2024
  • Chercheuse / Chercheur

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