Post doctorant(e) « Fiber microbatteries for wearable electronics » H/F

Référence : 2024-1449383

  • Fonction publique : Fonction publique de l'État
  • Employeur : Ecole nationale supérieure des mines de Saint-Etienne
    Mines Saint-Etienne
  • Localisation : Gardanne

Date limite de candidature : 17/02/2024

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  • Nature de l’emploi Emploi ouvert uniquement aux contractuels
  • Nature du contrat

    CDD d'1 an

  • Expérience souhaitée Non renseigné
  • Rémunération (fourchette indicative pour les contractuels) Non renseigné
  • Catégorie Catégorie A (cadre)
  • Management Non
  • Télétravail possible Oui

Vos missions en quelques mots

The thematic area we aspire to support and enhance is the « Microbatteries for wearable applicatiobs ». Amidst the rise of wearable technologies, there's a growing focus on microbattery research and development globally. Smart electronic textiles, in particular, demand features and battery designs beyond the capabilities of traditional technologies. This has opened avenues for  innovation and introduced a new facet to the global battery research  landscape. Sectors such as Internet of Things (IoT), healthcare (skin  patches, medical sensors, medical diagnostic devices), and smart cards  could be impacted. Soft microbattery technology is still in its early  stages, requiring the integration of expertise from various scientific domains like microelectronics, materials science, electrochemistry,  polymer, and inorganic chemistry to address technical challenges. Despite being a relatively new topic, it holds potential implications for the future. A recent development includes a concept for stretchable fiber Li-ion microbatteries and its application to woven powerbanks for smart textiles.

Profil recherché

Applicants profile :

 The candidates will support and strengthen the theme 'Wearables Microbatteries'. They should hold a doctorate, typically in applied material science, specifically in electrochemistry applied to energy storage. Postdoctoral experience, particularly with an international background, will be advantageous. The candidate must demonstrate scientific skills in one or both of the following areas:
· Electrochemistry

· Microbattery technology, including fabrication, analysis, and optimization 
Proficiency in electronics and one or more programming languages (Python, etc...) will be highly valued.

Niveau d'études minimum requis

  • Niveau Niveau 8 Doctorat/diplômes équivalents


  • Anglais Autonome


Localisation : 880 route de mimet 13120 gardanne

Éléments de candidature

Personnes à contacter

  • Servane ARRES

Qui sommes-nous ?

The École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne (Mines  Saint-Etienne), a school of the Institut Mines Télécom (IMT) under the  auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, is entrusted with missions encompassing education, research, innovation, industry-oriented knowledge transfer, and the promotion of scientific, technical, and  industrial culture.

Mines Saint-Etienne comprises 2,400 engineering  students and researchers in training, 400 staff members, a consolidated budget of €46 million, three sites on the campus of Saint-Étienne (Loire) covering approximately 26,000 m², a Aix-Marseille Provence George Charpak Campus in Gardanne (Bouches-du-Rhône) spanning around 20,000 m², six  research units, five training and research centers, and a center for scientific, technical, and industrial culture known as La Rotonde.

À propos de l'offre

  • Application Procedures :

    To apply:

     Applications should include:

    -  A letter of application,

    - A curriculum vitae listing teaching activities and, possibly, research work, relations with the economic and industrial world (10 pages maximum),

    -  At the discretion of candidates, letters of recommendation,

    -  Copy of ID 

     Applications must be submitted on the RECRUITEE platform by 17 February 2024 at the latest.

    Deposit URL:

    The selection process is expected to take place in late February 2024.

    Candidates selected for an audition will be informed as soon as possible. Part of the exchanges will be in English.

    As part of its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy, the École des Mines de Saint Etienne is an equal treatment employer.

  • Recruitment Conditions :

    CDD public law

    Remuneration according to the rules defined by the management framework of the Institut Mines Télécom.

    The position is open to all with, on request, accommodations for candidates with disabilities.

    The missions will be carried out on the Campus Aix-Marseille Provence de Gardanne (13) of Mines Saint-Etienne

    The duration of the insured contract is a fixed-term contract of 1 year

    Desired start date: April 1, 2024

    · Fixed-term public contract (CDD) with a duration of 1 year, renewable once.

    · Full-time position.

    · Remuneration according to the rules defined by the management framework of the Institut Mines Télécom.

    · Desired start date: 2nd quarter 2024.

  • For More Information:

    For any inquiries regarding the position, please contact:
    Dr. Roger DELATTRE – Assistant Professor FEL Department

    For any administrative information, please contact:
    Servane ARRES, Gestionnaire des Ressources Humaines

    Liens utiles :

    La protection de vos données :

  • Vacant à partir du 17/01/2024
  • Chercheuse / Chercheur

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