Project Manager - ERC Synergy NanoBubbles
Référence : 2024-1786986
- Fonction publique : Fonction publique de l'État
Employeur :
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord - Localisation : rue de chablis 93000 Bobigny
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- Nature de l’emploi Emploi ouvert uniquement aux contractuels
- Nature du contrat Non renseigné
- Expérience souhaitée Non renseigné
Rémunération (fourchette indicative pour les contractuels) Non renseigné
- Catégorie Catégorie A (cadre)
- Management Non renseigné
- Télétravail possible Non renseigné
Vos missions en quelques mots
Required Education Level:
Master's Degree or equivalent, ideally in a field related to research or project ma nage ment.
Profil recherché
Required Languages:
• English (Excellent, B2 minimum)
• French (Fluent)
Required Skills/Qualifications:
• Proven experience in European project management.
• Strong organizational and communication skills, with attention to detail.
• Proficiency in tools such as Canva, and Microsoft Office .
• Experience with event management and facilitating collaboration between interdisciplinary teams .
• Ability to write and speak in French and English .
• Proactive, flexible, and problem-solving mindset.
• Creativity and curiosity about research integrity and science in general.
• Knowledge of website management and digital communication tools (e.g., social media, newsletters).
Éléments de candidature
Documents à transmettre
Qui sommes-nous ?
Université Sorbonne Paris Nord - Bobigny (France) Start date: 3 February 2025
Contract duration : 16-month fixed-term contract Reporting lines : Raphaël Lévy (
Y J Erden (
Application deadline : 7 January 2025
We are looking for a Project Manager to assist the corresponding Principal lnvestigator (Raphaël Lévy) and members of the steering committee, for the European Research Council Synergy NanoBubbles Project, granted for 5 years starting June 1st, 2021. The project investigates how, when, and why science fails to correct itself, combining methods from the natural sciences, engineering (natural language processing), and humanities and social sciences (linguistics, sociology, philosophy, and history of science).
NanoBubbles is led by four researchers from the Universities of Paris Sorbonne Nord (USPN, FR), Maastricht (NL), Grenoble-Alpes (FR), and Radboud (NL), in collaboration with five researchers from CNRS (FR), the Universities of Twente (NL) and Toulouse (FR), and École des Ponts (FR).
Main activities
The Project Manager will:
• lmplement and take responsibility for the operational management of NanoBubbles, in close collaboration with the Project Coordinator and the other members of the steering committee .
• Contribute to the management of team members, including the organization of appraisals and conflict management when necessary .
• Provide support for financial oversight, including budge
À propos de l'offre
Raphaël Lévy (Corresponding Principal lnvestigator): YJ Erden (Member of the steering committee):
Vacant à partir du 07/01/2025
*Cheffe / Chef de projet*